Who We Are

Welcome to Confessions.

What is our purpose?

-To bring hope to the hopeless through the Gospel of Jesus. We strive to reach those battling through mental illnesses, primarily depression and anxiety disorders, by a personal and honest approach. We also aim to raise awareness of all mental illnesses and to educate our world on the effects of such diseases.

What is our core belief?

-We believe that God, the creator of the universe and the deity of the Holy Bible, has created every single human soul in His image. Our sin distorts that image and separates us from Him. Because of this, God sent His only son, Jesus, to be sacrificed on a cross for our sake so that we could choose eternal life. We believe that three days after His death, Jesus rose from the grave effectively conquering sin, death, and hell. It is by this death and resurrection that we have access to the God of creation and by which we can be saved.

What is our vision?

-To see the world come to a saving knowledge of Jesus, primarily. Secondarily, we wish to “bring light to that which is hidden.” The world of mental illnesses can be an incredibly dark environment where loneliness and sorrow are abundant. In order to be an effective help, we strive to be honest, to be hopeful, and to bring glory to God through our sufferings and yours.

Our hope is that, by reading the articles posted here, talking with our community, and by interacting with us, you will see and taste a hope that is uncommon. Honesty is our policy. Far too often we believe the lie that we are alone. Our passion is to help individuals see others who are like them and Carpe Noctem, or “Seize the Night.”

Be sure to check out our “About the Authors” page for more of the story behind Confessions. Also, don’t forget to peruse through our many categories. You’ll find Confessions that relate to life and mental health through a multitude of genres. Follow us, leave a comment, and let us know how we can be of service to you!

Once again, Welcome to Confessions. We’re glad you’re here.

You are loved.

You are valued.

19 Replies to “Who We Are”

  1. You blog interests me. Specifically the spiritual aspect. I’ve reached a point in my life where I find I am being directed to find a ‘higher power’ in my life. Raised a christian, and no longer a participant, I have some baggage in that department. But coming across your blog has made it clear to me I need to begin my search. So thank you for reaching out to me to contribute a small something to your Finding Who We Are. It has set in motion a significant search for change in my life

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am incredibly humbled to have helped. I’m certainly glad that the issues presented by this blog are challenging where you are at and I can only hope that we will continue to do so. 🙂 I understand having baggage in the Christianity department. Please, let me know if I can help answer any questions. Have a great day!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello! We at SURVIVORS BLOG HERE nominated you for the Liebster Award.
    This is an award for new bloggers with less than 200 followers.
    This a great way to do some networking. The Liebster award nominees are chosen by fellow bloggers. Each blogger that accepts chooses 11 other blogs to nominate, and so on, so it helps those of us with few followers get out there and be seen.
    You are not obligated to participate, but it would be very beneficial for you to do so.
    If you choose to accept the nomination, there are a few things for you to complete and post on your site:
    1. Accept nomination and apply the award image to your site.
    2. Select 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers, then notify them.
    3. Copy and answer the questions from our post on your own blog- https://survivorsbloghere.wordpress.com/2016/05/07/liebster-award/
    The details and questions are in our post at
    We were nominated by Rob Goldstein over at Art by Rob Goldstein (https://robertmgoldstein.com/).
    You can find his post with his questions and answers at

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You are far too kind! I’m so glad and thankful for your support! I’ll have to do some perusing myself. The one thing I love the most about blogging is the community!

        Liked by 1 person

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